As we entered into a major holiday season, here are some 12 tips for promoting your business to potential shoppers:

1.  Think about how you would feel receiving your product?

2.  Make a list of potential gift buyers/gift recipients-knowing who would enjoy receiving your product will help you determine who to seek out as the buyer

3.  Will you offer gift wrapping and/or gift cards?  Will that service be an extra charge, offered for free at a purchase level (spend $50+ or more, for example) or just included if requested

4.  Will you have a "reward" system...either for returning patrons or for referrals?

5.  How will you promote your gift giving service...through your existing customer base-this will give you to sources of information-who to contact to buy for them and who they can buy for....will you contact local businesses or join a Networking group?

6.  Will your product adapt to a "12 Days of Christmas" theme....a collections of 12 items, beautifully wrapped-tagged and numbered, one to be opened each day leading to Christmas

7.  Would your product work better for a stocking stuffer, a little "thank you" gift, a handy item to have on hand-just in case!

8.  Would your item be in the price range for your customers children to buy---in that case, you might hold a Santa's Workshop shopping event where children and teens can shop for friends and family members

9.  Would your product work as an item in a corporate gift basket?

10.  Could you partner with someone who makes custom gift baskets and have your product included in their baskets?

11.  Is your product representative of the area you live in and could it be offered at shops or gift stores that offer locally sourced gifts?

12.  Could you offer a series of on-line shopping events....such as a Holiday Open House, childrens shopping event, silent Hostess party where your Hostess earns either a percentage of the sales or product from you, a Husband's/Boyfriend's football halftime shopping session, stocking stuffer event, last minute gift shopping....

These are just a few ideas to help you expand your business for this upcoming Holiday season or for any Holiday....think birthdays, aniversaries, Valentine's Day, graduation, new home.....options are as endless as your imagination!