Have you ever thought about taking something you love and turning it in to a cottage business from your home?  Working the hours and days that you choose, doing something you love and earning some extra cash-sound good?

Here are a few simple things to keep in mind:

1.  Decide what you want to sell, how you will package it,etc

2.  Create a fun name for your business

3.  Decide what will set you apart in this field

4.  Study your competition-for price, options, etc

5.  Decide how much inventory you want to have on hand

6.  Will you ship worldwide?  How quick will your turn-around time be?

7.  Set up your books-doesn't need to be complicated, but you do need to know what your costs are in order to accurately price your goods-don't work for free and don't pay to have a home business!

8.  Will you be able to scale your business easily-will you need to hire help

9.  Set up a business account at your bank with a separate credit or debit card for business expenses....makes doing your taxes much easier!  Don't mix business funds with personal funds

10.  Set your working hours and treat your business like a business-each week, ask yourself if you would hire or fire you, based on that week's work

11.  Stay organized-answer emails/requests/concerns promptly

12.  If someone has left you a bad review, find out why-is it under your control or not?  If it was your mistake, own up to it and rectify it, if possible.  If not, see what you can do to make your customer happy....remember, it costs twice as much to get a new customer as it does to keep an existing one happy!

There you go, 12 tips to set you on your way!