There's something about February, the month of love!  Spring is in the air-you can feel it is coming.  Flowers are starting to peek out, birds are chirping, grass is gettng greener....newneww abounds.

This month is the perfect time to show yourself a little special that book you have sitting on your nightstand, make a special meal just for you, buy a new pair of fun shoes, get a mani-pedi with colors you have never tried, dip some chocolate strawberries and make friends everywhere you go by passing them around, try a new perfume, a new hair do....

Get rid of every item of clothing that doesn't bring you joy...

Exerience someplace new, withing drivng distance, that you have never seen...

Clean house, give the things that you no longer need, use or love to the local thrift shop...there is truth in the saying that "one man's trash is another man's treasure"....

Spread the love around this month and remebe to spread some on you!